From: Randy Churchill
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 10:27 AM
To: clerks < >
Cc: Abbs, James < >
Subject: Churchill, 3110 Lauzon, re: Rezoning 3129 Lauzon

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DEC 10, 2020

City of Windsor

Clerk’s Office

File# ZNG/6173 Z-026/20


We are Pamela and Randy Churchill residing at 3110 Lauzon Road, directly kitty corner from 3129 Lauzon.

We have lived at this location for 21 years.

I am submitting that we are opposed to the proposed rezoning of property at 3129 Lauzon Road from residential to commercial.


Commercial Trucks are not allowed on Lauzon Road, its not a commercial road. A commercial apartment complex should be built on a commercial road designed to handle an apartment complex and not be built on a residential road that cannot handle current traffic in a safe manner.

There is no sidewalk on the 3129 Lauzon West Side of the Street, there is only 1 sidewalk and it is on the East Side of Lauzon road which is heavily utilized by school children and families walking down Lauzon

Increased traffic congestion will be adding to an already dangerous situation on Lauzon Road, let me tell you the scenario.

All of the houses on Lauzon have driveways, there is no car parking on Lauzon Rd.