3.0 Summary of Discussion

The table below details the quesƟons, concerns, comments, and responses from the December 2, 2020 Virtual Residents MeeƟng.

Question, Comment, Concern Response
Breakout Room 1 – Planning related questions, concerns, and comments
-How many amendments are you seeking on the existingCD2.2 zoning? The applicant is seeking to amend two provisions related to the CD 2.2 zoning (increase permitted building from 14m to 19m, and decrease amenity area per dwelling unit from 12.5m 2 to 10.5m 2 ). Additional amendments (6) are related to other zoning by-law provisions not specific to the CD2.2 zoning category (parking area separation, decrease minimum required GFA of a dwelling unit, decrease parking standard and visitor parking standard, location of parking area, and decrease in access lane width).
Breakout Room 2 – Site Plan related questions, concerns, and comments
  • I am in support of the proposed development.
  • Is the reduction in the residential parking standard because there are approximately 100 on-site street parking spaces on University Avenue West?
Street parking is not included in the parking calculations. Based on the by-law and the supporting reports it is anticipated that residents, visitors, and commercial patrons will depend less on vehicles and more so on active and public transportation. Parking spaces will be allocated to the commercial buildings to support those who do commute to the proposed commercial uses.
  • We are in favour of the proposed development.
  • Has the City of Windsor acquired the CP lands to the west?
  • Can the City along with the Developer, provide parking on the CP land?
  • Can neighbouring residents park on the development site temporarily?
There are no agreements in place for either the City or developer to acquire the CP Lands to the west at this time, and as such it is anticipated that additional parking will not be made available on these lands. On-site parking will be restricted to residents and visitors of the development at this time, and neighbourhood residents will not be able to park on the site.
I am in favor of the proposed development and believe that property values for the surrounding neighbourhood will increase.  
All of my questions have been answered.  
-The barrel roof portion of the 1220 University Avenue West building is in poor condition. When will the developer structurally stabilize this building? Following an assessment from a Heritage Structural Engineer, Architecttura Inc. and the development team are in the process of documenting the existing condition of the building by creating a 3D scan of the structure. Once the existing condition is determined, they will develop a strategy to stabilize the building.
Breakout Room 3 – General questions, concerns, and comments
- 31m 2 Bachelor units are unlikely to be leased on a long term basis, causing frequent turnover and tenants who are less ‘invested’ in the neighbourhood. At this point the tenant mixture is to be determined.
- Why are there only balconies on the west side of the building? Balconies were strategically located on the west side to take advantage of the greenspace west of the development site. Balconies were not placed on the east side to avoid privacy concerns with the residents east of the development site.