Breakout Room 3 – General questions, concerns, and comments
- Concern regarding lower homes values on Elm Avenue following construction. The proposed development promotes investment in the neighbourhood and will help occupy the vacant commercial buildings on the subject site.
- Why are so many units planned? The intensification supports local and provincial policy, and is intended to help offset the costs associated with the remediation of the site.
- Is the City driving this development or is the owner? The applicant and owner is the proponent of this project.
- Condition of the barrel roof building is deteriorating rapidly. The applicant is currently assessing the structural integrity of the building.
- There has been no community outreach prior to the virtual residents meeting. A Public Information Centre package was distributed in July 2020. Unfortunately due to the constraints of COVID, an in-person Residents Meeting was not feasible.
Final Group Discussion – General questions, concerns, and comments
- The proposed mixed use development will bene fi t the neighbourhood.  
  • - There was no community outreach in advance of the virtual residents meeting.
  • - Many residents do not have internet access and may be excluded from this process.
A Public Information Centre package was distributed in July 2020. Unfortunately due to the constraints of COVID, an in-person residents meeting was not feasible. Residents can call 311 and connect to the planning department to provide comment, or they can send a letter to City Hall.
- I am looking forward to seeing this development built out and look forward to seeing who the commercial tenant is.