APPENDIX E – City of Windsor Official Plan Excerpts

  • (h) the pattern, scale and character of existing development; and,
  • (i) exterior building appearance
TRANSITION IN BUILDING HEIGHTS Council will ensure a transition among Very High, High, Mediu and Low Profile developments through the application of such urban design measures as incremental changes in building height, massing, space separation or landscape buffer.
8.11 Streetscape
MAINSTREETS DEFINED Council will promote the development of Mainstreets at the locations identified on Schedule G: Civic Image. Such Mainstreets will be designed to:
  1. promote a diverse mixture of commercial, residential and other appropriate land uses along the road;
  2. encourage pedestrian activity and movement along the streetscape; and
  3. provide and/or enhance the unique character of the surrounding neighbourhood.
MAINSTREETS Council will recognize the significance of the roads designated as Mainstreets on Schedule G: Civic Image by:
  1. enhancing the public rights-of-way consistent with the established character of the neighbourhood, using streetscaping elements such as special lighting, landscaping, paving stones, street furniture, public art and other complementary features and fixtures;
  2. protecting and enhancing significant views and vistas along public rights-of-way;
  3. protecting and enhancing heritage resources;
  4. encouraging the provision of building and streetscaping elements that provide shelter from inclement weather, where appropriate; and
  5. encouraging signage which enhances the character of the Mainstreet.
LOCATION OFSURFACE PARKINGLOTS Council will encourage parking lots that avoid large expanses fronting the road.
9.1 Goal
RECOGNIZE,CONSERVE &ENHANCE 9.1.1 The identification, recognition, protection, conservation, enhancement and proper management of heritage resources.
9.2 Objectives
CONSERVATION MANAGMENT 9.2.1 To conserve Windsor’s heritage r esources for the benefit of the community and posterity in a manner which respects their architectural, historical and contextual significance and ensures their future viability as functional components of Windsor’s urban environment.