APPENDIX E – City of Windsor Official Plan Excerpts

9.3.3 Recognition of Heritage Resources

Council will recognize Windsor’s heritage resources by:

a) Designating individual buildings, structures, sites and landscapes as heritage properties under the Ontario Heritage Act;


Council will identify heritage resources by:

a) Maintaining and updating the list of built heritage resources known as the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register;

9.3.4 Protection of Heritage Resources
EASEMENTS c) Council will protect heritage resources by:Entering into heritage easement agreements with the owners of designated heritage properties who are recipients of heritage grants and/or loans;
PROPERTY STANDARDS f) Council will protect heritage resources by:Requiring that heritage properties are maintained, in order to retain their heritage values, attributes, and integrity;
ADAPTIVE REUSE g) Council will protect heritage resources by:Encouraging the adaptive reuse of architectural and/or historically significant buildings and structures;