the scale of the surrounding neighbourhood and concurs with Mr. Gyemi’s suggestion to scale back to perhaps a 3-storey development.

Member Gyemi asks of Administration, given the late changes provided by the applicant, architect and agent, what is it that the Committee is actually voting on? Ms. Nwaesei advises that the Recommendations do not necessarily include all of the applicant’s requests and goes through what is and is not supported in her report. Ms. Nwaesei notes she is not changing her recommendations to include any of the additional requests presented.

Member Rondot asks whether this application should be deferred or referred back to Administration given the number of late changes made recently? Ms. Nwaesei notes respect to reservations of voting at this time, however, the changes made deal more with respect to the number of units. Ms. Nwaesei also notes that the late changes do not alter her recommendations or what is required of the applicant and anticipates the possibility of change in the proposed development.

Member Rondot inquires how is storm water runoff mitigated? Ms. Nwaesei notes before you get a permit, especially within a subdivision, there are lot grading plans that address a number of issues including drainage. Mr. Patrick Winters comments advising the lot grading will be addressed during Site Plan at which time Public Works will be involved and any mitigation will be addressed.

Councillor Gill inquires whether the revised residential application is allowed under the current zoning? Ms. Nwaesei advises the answer is no. Although the area is designated as Residential, the zoning subject area is commercial. The applicant wishes to add a residential component but keep it as commercial zoning district in case market changes provide them with an opportunity to take advantage of it. They’re asking for a site specific use to allow for the residential development. They’re not changing the zoning.

Moved by: Member Gyemi

Seconded by: Councillor Gill




  1. THAT the parcel described as Pt Lot 12, Concession 5 and designated as Part 7, 12R-23594 and Block 197, 12M-355, located on the northeast corner of Sixth Concession Road and North Talbot Road, BE EXEMPT from the provisions of Interim Control By-law 103/2020 and that further, Interim Control By-law 103/2020 BE AMENDED by adding to Section 5 the following paragraph:

    • Northeast Corner of Sixth Concession and North Talbot

      Part 7, 12R-23594 and Block 197, 12M-355; Roll No. 070-140-03608;

  2. THAT the applicant’s request to amend Zoning By-law 8600 by changing the zoning of the lands located on the northwest corner of Pioneer Avenue and North Talbot Road, described as Pt Lot 12, Concession 5 and designated as Parts 1&2, 12R-23594, from Residential District