Melanie Muir, agent – Dillon Consulting – presents modifications from the original submission, as directed by the OMB decision. Ms. Muir also tries to address some of the concerns received prior to the Committee meeting.

Mr. Chintan Virani (architect) and Tosin Bello (applicant) – Mr. Bello speaks on his application and addresses some of the concerns over flooding and pooling near properties on 6 th Concession.

Area residents Jeff & Svetlana Nadalin, Scott Dube, Farooq Ahmed, Sahar Sulaiman, Oday Ahmed & Odour Al Amin, Joe Peltier, Jackie Pearson and Americo Fernandes note the following concerns and are against this development:

  1. Height of the building – against increase in height
    • No other 4-storey building in area
    • Not in line with the neighbourhood
    • Impedes westerly view
    • Additional height means additional traffic. Traffic is already dangerous for residents.
    • Increased height would impede view of oncoming traffic as there are those that already run the STOP signs . Roundabout will only make it worse since drivers won’t have to stop.
  2. Against reduction of required setback
    • This results in reduction of parking available for residents in proposed development and their visitors, resulting in an intrusion on area around the development
    • Provides less privacy for those residents living close to the development. Privacy is removed with people being able to see directly into their backyards.
  3. Noise level increase with the increased amount of possible residents in the proposed development as well as flashing lights and dirt/garbage. Increased noise/dirt pollution.
  4. Concern over water levels and flooding with a development of this size. There is already flooding occurring and stagnant water that has yet to be addressed.
  5. Additional comments/references were also sent in for review by Committee members.

Member Gyemi notes concern over proximity to neighbours and inquires whether the applicant would consider reducing height on the north and east end down to 3-storeys? Mr. Bello feels h e’s already conceded to a reduction of his development due to concerns raised from residents. It would be a consideration near Oday Ahmed’s property but the other properties are far enough away that it wouldn’t warrant it. Mr. Bello notes willingness to continue to keep the neighbours aware of any changes/developments regarding this proposed development. Mr. Gyemi notes his concern over the request for double of what is currently allowed and the transition between the surrounding properties and the proposed development. Feels it’s pushing the envelope too far.

Councillor Sleiman comments on the height of the proposed building compared to the area as being “ out of whack ”. Councillor Sleiman also notes concern over lights from the ‘light restaurant/retail sho p’ proposed. Ms. Muir advises that portion has be en removed from the application with the option for small scale commercial in future.

Member Moore notes confusion with the rendering provided and seeks clarification. Ms. Muir provides that clarification. Mr. Moore also notes concern over the scale of the development over