1.1 (RD1.1) to Commercial District 1.12 (CD1.12) BE DENIED for the reasons noted in this report;

“399. Northeast Corner of Sixth Concession and North Talbot

For the lands comprising Pt Lot 12, Concession 5 and designated as Part 7, 12R-23594 and Block 197, 12M-355, the following shall be permitted

  1. Dwelling Units in a Combined Use Building with any one or more of the uses permitted in section 14.12.1 of By-law 8600; provided that

    1. all dwelling units, not including entrances thereto, shall be located above the non-residential uses; 
    2. the provisions in section 14.12.1 shall apply, exclusive of maximum building height, and
    3. a maximum building height of 3-storeys shall apply; 

  2. A stand-alone multiple dwelling, subject to the provisions under section 12.1.5 of By-law 8600 and the following provisions:

    1. a multiple dwelling with 80 or more units shall be permitted to have one of each of the following uses: convenience store; business office; day nursery; medical office; personal service shop; provided that:

      1. the use of an exterior window for the display of goods, services or advertising is prohibited;
      2. each use is accessible only from the interior of the building. Direct access from the exterior is prohibited; and
      3. the maximum gross floor area of each use or combination thereof shall be 100.0 square metres;

    2. the provisions in section 14.12.1, exclusive of maximum building height, shall also apply to any stand-alone multiple dwelling; and

    3. a maximum building height of 3-storeys shall apply. [ZDM 13; ZNG/6074]”

The motion is put and is lost .