Recommendation 3F and 3G implement Action 2 in the Study, which allows for consideration “ where a Transport Terminal shall be permitted as a main use provided the Transport Terminal is consistent with existing planning policy in the PPS and OP, and with the additional policy proposed by OPA 139 . ” This may apply to specific parcels or defined areas.

The Planning Division has identified two areas where a Transport Terminal shall be permitted as an additional main use notwithstanding the underlying MD1 zoning which will only permit an existing Transport Terminal.

The first area includes those lands generally bounded by Marentette Avenue to the west, just south of EC Row Avenue East to the north, Devon Drive to the east and, just south of Kamloops Street to the south. The second area includes lands on the north side of North Service Road between Central Avenue and the CPR tracks and small pocket on the south side of Rhodes Drive between Pillette Road and Santerra Stonecraft.

These areas are not adjacent to, and have sufficient separation from, sensitive land uses, are adjacent to the truck route network, and are proximate to land uses, such as other industrial uses, that generate freight trips. The second area between Central Avenue and the CPR tracks is also proximate to rail facilities.

Recommendation 3F adds a new site specific provision to Section 20(1) that allows a Transport Terminal as an additional permitted use and that the appropriate provisions in Zoning By-law 8600 shall apply and identifies the areas in the maps in Appendix 3F to which Section 20(1)402 will apply.

Recommendation 3G amends Section 20(1)230 by adding Transport Terminal as an additional permitted use for lands on the south side of Kamloops at Marentette. This is the southern portion of the lands describe above and avoids having overlapping site specific provisions on the zoning district maps.

The site specific provision is an interim measure. The proposed review of the MD1, MD2 and M1 zones identified in Action 3 in the Study may alter or delete the site specific provision.

Recommendation 4 - Zoning By-Law 85-18 Amendments

Recommendation 4 is an amendment to Zoning By-law 85-18 that implements Actions 5 and 7 in the Study.

The only change proposed at this time to Zoning By-law 85-18 are revisions to the Transport Terminal provisions in Section 5.49. Staff will include the M1 zone in the review of the MD1 and MD2 zoning districts recommended in Action 3 of the Study.

This will ensure consistency in definitions, permitted and prohibited uses, and provisions such as lot area, setbacks and so on, across the whole City. The proposed transport terminal provisions for Zoning By-law 85-18 are consistent with the Zoning By-law 8600 provisions in Recommendation 3A.