Recommendation 5 - Repeal of Interim Control By-law 78-2019

Interim Control By-law 78-2019 remains in force until June 2, 2021 unless repealed earlier by Council. Recommendation 5 repeals Interim Control By-law 78-2019 when the amending by-laws that implement the Official Plan Amendment and the Zoning By-law Amendments are in force.

The amending by-laws will be brought to Council for final approval after Council has reviewed and approved the staff recommendations, subject to any changes or additions approved by Council.

When Interim Control By-law 78-2019 is repealed, any exemption requests that were deferred by the Development & Heritage Standing Committee or City Council will expire.

If the amending by-laws are appealed, and Interim Control By-law 78-2019 expires, Section 38(6.1) of the Planning Act states that:

“ the interim control by-law continues in effect as if it had not expired until the date of the order of the Tribunal or until the date of a notice issued by the Tribunal under subsection 34 (23.1) unless the interim control by-law is repeale d.”

Action 11 - Motor Vehicle Definitions and Gross Vehicle Weight Ratings

In the Study, Action 11 states that:

“ Administration REVIEW motor vehicle definitions and gross vehicle weight ratings (GVWR) in various municipal by-laws to ensure they are consistent with provincial policies and regulations and AMEND the affected municipal by-laws through the appropriate amendment process .”

Action 11 is identified for immediate implementation and requiring further review in the Study, as some of the review would be conducted by other municipal departments.

It was originally anticipated that this report would recommend revisions to the Zoning By-laws relating to motor vehicle definitions and gross vehicle weight ratings. However, the Government of Ontario is considering changes to the Highway Traffic Act related to e-bike and other matters that may require changes to various municipal by-laws. Instead of bringing piecemeal amendments forward, Administration will conduct a more thorough review of provincial policies and regulations when the changes to those provincial policies and regulations are in force.

Risk Analysis: