Recommendations 2A and 2B implement Action 1 in the Study.

Recommendation 2A adds new definitions to the Glossary in Chapter 2.

Recommendation 2B adds additional policy direction in Chapter 6 – Land Use concerning Transport Terminals. This proposed policy direction is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) as discussed in the Study and is also consistent with the general policy direction of the Official Plan.

Recommendation 3 - Zoning By-Law 8600 Amendments

Recommendation 3 are amendments to Zoning By-law 8600 that implement those Actions identified for immediate implementation in the Study.

Recommendation 3A replaces the existing Transport Terminal provisions in Section 5.99.97 with revised provisions that are consistent with Actions 5 and 7 in the Study.

Recommendation 3B deletes all references to Transport Terminal as a prohibited main use or permitted as an accessory use and by adding Transport Terminal (existing) as a permitted main use. This removes the ambiguity between the prohibitions and permitted use. The addition of existing Transport Terminal to the permitted uses recognizes lawfully existing Transport Terminals as a permitted use and avoids any issues with legal non-conforming use (LNCU) status; this allows the municipality to apply the provisions to any expansions or redevelopments of existing Transport Terminals. Recommendation 3B implements Actions 2 and 4 in the Study.

Recommendation 3C, 3D, and 3E implement Action 4 in the Study and have the effect of reclassifying two MD1 zones (MD1.3 and MD1.8) to MD2 zones (MD2.13 and MD2.18) to better align with the MD zoning districts.

Recommendation 3C moves MD1.3 and MD1.8 from Section 18 to Section 19 as MD2.13 and MD2.18, respectively.

Recommendation 3D reclassifies MD1.3, HMD1.3, and MD1.8 as MD2.13, HMD1.3 and MD2.18 on the zoning district maps.

Recommendation 3E is a catch-all that replaces any references to MD1.3 and MD1.8 within the text of Zoning By-law 8600 with MD2.13 and MD2.18 respectively.

The future review of the MD1, MD2 and M1 zones identified in Action 3 in the Study may alter or delete the MD2.13 and MD2.18 zoning districts.