Tools (Chapter 11)

The achievement of the goals, objectives and policies of the OP will occur using specific planning tools listed in Chapter 11 – Tools. Council’s implementation goals are to achieve direction for the development of planning districts, neighbourhoods or other sub-areas of the city (11.1.1), safe, caring and diverse neighbourhoods with a range of services and amenities (11.1.2), land use compatibility throughout Windsor (11.1.3), and functional and attractive developments (11.1.4).

Location characteristics, evaluation criteria, and design guidelines will be considered through tools such as zoning (11.6), minor variance applications (11.6.6), non-conforming use policies (11.6.7), existing land use policy (11.6.10), and Site Plan Control (11.7).

Zoning By-laws 8600 and 85-18

A zoning by-law specifies the permitted uses (e.g. commercial or residential) and the required provisions or standards (e.g. building size and location) in each zoning district or zone.

Zoning By-law 85-18 (B/L 85-18) covers the former Sandwich South lands transferred to the City of Windsor and Zoning By-law 8600 (B/L 8600) covers the balance of the City of Windsor as it existed before this municipal boundary adjustment. See Appendix C for relevant excerpts from B/L 8600 and Appendix D for relevant excerpts from B/L 85-18.

Some land in the former Sandwich South area has since been removed from B/L 85-18 and added to B/L 8600. It is the intention of the City of Windsor to merge B/L 8600 and B/L 85-18 into a single comprehensive zoning by-law in the future.

B/L 8600 has two zoning classifications regarding industrial and business park type uses - Manufacturing District 1 (MD1) and Manufacturing District 2 (MD2). Each zoning classification is divided into zoning districts that permit and prohibit certain uses and regulate matters such as building setbacks, building height and landscaped open space yard.

MD1 is typically a light industrial category that permits specific industrial uses. MD1.1 and MD1.2 are general light industrial zones that also permit a limited range of complementary commercial uses. MD1.3 is a more transport related zoning district that is found adjacent to rail corridors or ports.

MD1.4 and MD1.5 are ‘business park’ zones that permit more office, research and development, and light industrial uses in addition to a limited range of commercial uses. MD1.6 is a railway corridor and yard zone.

MD1.7 is like MD1.4 and MD1.5 but leans towards light industrial as it is located adjacent to a rail yard and corridor. MD1.8 is a variation of MD1.7 that leans towards heavier industrial uses such as motor vehicle assembly plant. MD2 zones permit a broad a range on industrial uses from light to heavy, with the focus being on prohibiting noxious or problematic industrial uses.

B/L 85-18 has one zone that applies within the City of Windsor – Industrial Zone (M1) and one Defined Area (M1-11). A broad range of industrial uses is permitted in M1.

For this study, t he terms ‘zoning district’ and ‘zone’ are interchangeable.