Infrastructure goals applicable to Transport Terminals include:

Council shall encourage the development of multi-modal transportation facilities at appropriate locations ( Establishment of a truck route system shall minimize the intrusion of trucks into sensitive areas while providing acceptable access to business and industries ( While truck access is necessary for some properties, the adverse effects of truck traffic shall be minimized by discouraging truck traffic in residential and pedestrian oriented areas and directing land uses that generate substantial truck traffic to appropriate areas ( The movement of hazardous goods to transportation routes shall avoid high-risk areas and provide safe and direct access to their intended destination (

Multi-modal facilities shall develop at appropriate locations within Windsor to maximize the economic development potential provided by international cross-border traffic (, by rail transportation (, by the Port of Windsor (, and by the Windsor Airport (

Urban Design (Chapter 8)

A memorable, attractive, and liveable city is one where people feel comfortable and are inspired by their surroundings. The physical systems and built form of the city are designed to protect, maintain, and improve the quality of life for all generations.

Applicable goals, objectives, and policies Chapter 8 – Urban Design include pedestrian access to all developments (8.1.3), comfortable conditions along roads and in public spaces (8.1.5), high standard of design throughout Windsor (8.1.6), public safety throughout Windsor (8.1.11), and excellence in exterior building design, site design and rights-of-way (8.1.12). Proposed development and infrastructure undertakings should enhance Windsor’s image ( Council may establish a minimum standard for landscaping and a minimum landscaped area ( Council will encourage development to include features that reduce, control, or treat site-runoff (

Council will ensure that the design of new development is complementary to adjacent development in terms of its overall massing, orientation, setback and exterior design, particularly character, scale and appearance, and provides links with pedestrian, cycle, public transportation and road networks ( Lighting should improve visibility and safety and enhance prominent buildings and spaces while minimizing intrusive lighting (8.13.1 and 8.13.2).

Gateways ( and Civic Ways ( shall promote and present an attractive, unifying image and memorable impression of Windsor and maintain a sense of welcome and arrival for travelers.