APPENDIX G - Consultations

Transit Windsor – Jason Scott (June 15, 2020)

We have the same comments for this as we provided for 1100 University.

Site Plan comments applicable to 1100 and 1200 University Ave W (April 7, 2020):

Transit Windsor has no objections. This property currently has direct transit service with our existing Transway 1C route with bus stops on University at Elm for both directions of travel. This would be maintained with our Council approved Transit Master Plan with a primary line. If the bus stop on University at Elm NW Corner needs to temporarily be closed due to construction on the property, Transit Windsor requires a minimum of 2 weeks notice prior.

Windsor Fire and Rescue Services (WFRS) - John Lee (June 15, 2020)

No concerns from WFRS.

ENWIN Utilities Ltd .- Technical Services Dispatch (June 23,2020)

Hydro Engineering: No Objection to Re-zoning.

Water Engineering: Water Engineering has no objections to the rezoning.

Public Works – Mark Schaffhauser (July 6, 2020)

Our comments are consistent with those we made back in April of 2020.

Site Plan Comments applicable to 1100 and 1200 University Ave W provided by Amy Olsen (April 9, 2020):

The subject development is located at 1100 & 1200-1220 University Avenue West. This site was subject to a Site Plan Control Application in 2019, and is currently proposing a 24.93m2 addition/renovation to the existing business office located at 1100 University Avenue West and an 8880m2 mixed use development consisting of a business office, medical office, micro-brewery, restaurant, retail store and dwelling units. We have reviewed the servicing requirements relative to the current application and offer the following comments:

As per previous correspondence between Architecttura and the City of Windsor, the 1000mm x 1400mm combined sewer along Elm Avenue and University Avenue West will convey the sanitary flows and the existing 2400mm diameter storm sewer west of 1200 University Avenue West will convey the storm flows for both sites. Supporting calculations demonstrating that the flows will be restricted to pre-development levels are required. Owner to confirm easement is in place for the existing storm connection through the private property to the west. Stormwater management shall be submitted in accordance with the Windsor Essex Stormwater