b. Left turn lane warrant analysis (as per the MTO Geometric Design Manual)
3. Sight line analysis: no issues were noted with the sight line review for the proposed Howard/Holburn intersection; however, no review has been provided for new intersections proposed as part of the development. The proposed alignment for the Holburn Street extension right-of-way creates the potential for sight line concerns at the following intersections; the revised TIS should provide recommendations for protection of sight lines (e.g. zones where pedestal-mounted utilities, community mailboxes, driveways, etc. should not be provided, or zones where on-street parking should be prohibited):
Holburn Street at Street ‘A’/Street ‘D’
Holburn Street at Street ‘C’/Street ‘D’
Holburn Street at Maguire Street
4. Holburn/Maguire Intersection: the TIS does not address the Holburn/Maguire intersection. The report should be revised to identify a recommended intersection control with the Holburn extension in place (e.g. two-way or all-way stop control).
5. Holburn Street road classification: Transportation Planning does not concur with the rationale for the TIS’s recommended classification of the Holburn Street extension as a local road. Our recommendation continues to be that the Holburn Street extension should have the same classification as the rest of Holburn Street (i.e. Class II Collector).
6. Site Accesses on Holburn Street: Transportation Planning does not concur with the rationale given for the recommendation to allow 9 lots to be accessed from Holburn Street.
7. Off-site Improvements: as per comment #2, a southbound left turn lane at the Howard/Holburn intersection will be required to accommodate the development; the required storage length will depend on the results of the additional analysis recommended by comments #1 and #2.
A left turn lane on Howard Avenue has also been identified for the adjacent development to the south. Depending on the proposed dimensions of this left turn lane, itmaybeadvantageoustoservebothdevelopmentswithasingletwo-wayleftturn lane. Further discussion of this option with Engineering and the two development owners is recommended.
Public Works:
A functional servicing study has been submitted by RC Spencer Associates, which identifies the existing 600mm RCP Storm Sewer, and 250mm PVC Sanitary Sewer on Howard Avenue as the proposed outlets to the site. Post development flows will be restricted through the construction of a new stormwater management pond, with a pumped outlet to the existing sewer on Howard Avenue. The City supports this strategy in principal. Prior to the issuance of construction permits, the servicing study is required to be finalized to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. It is also noted that the City is in the process of retaining a Consultant for the completion of a drainage study for the Howard Avenue corridor from South Cameron Boulevard to Cabana Road. The successful proponent will act as peer reviewer for the subdivision servicing study.
Further discussion between the applicant and the City is required regarding the de sign for the proposed pond, including anticipated maintenance, privacy fencing, and ownership over the pond inlet lands. As depicted, a 6m easement is required over block 17 (as shown on the draft plan) for the maintenance, and eventual replacement of the pond inlet.
Howard Avenue is classified as a Class II Arterial road with a required right-of-way width of 26m; the current right-of-way width is 23.2m. However, no conveyance is being requested as these lands fall within the boundaries of the previously completed Howard Avenue Environmental Assessment Study,