It shall be noted that it is the responsibility of the Owner to provide entrance/service duct(s) from Bell Canada’s existing network infrastructure to service this development. In the event that no such network infrastructure exists, in accordance with the Bell Canada Act, the Owner may be required to pay for the extension of such network infrastructure.

If the Owner elects not to pay for the above noted connection, Bell Canada may decide not to provide service to this development.

To ensure that we are able to continue to actively participate in the planning process and provide detailed provisioning comments, we note that we would be pleased to receive circulations on all applications received by the Municipality and/or recirculations.

We note that WSP operat es Bell Canada’s development tracking system, which includes the intake and processing of municipal circulations. However, all responses to circulations and requests for information, such as requests for clearance, will come directly from Bell Canada, and not from WSP. WSP is not responsible for the provision of comments or other responses.

Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned.

Yours truly,

Meaghan Palynchuk
Manager - Municipal Relations

Network Provisioning

T: 905-540-7254 / M: 289-527-3953


Transportation Planning:

We have reviewed the transportation impact study report for the above - noted application (“Orchards Subdivision Windsor, Ontario Traffic Impact Study” dated May 2020, by John Toff lemire and Aaron Blata of R.C. Spencer Associates). Our comments are below.

Overall, because of concerns with fundamental aspects of the report methodology, we recommend that the conclusions of the report not be relied upon. We recommend that the report be revised and resubmitted.

Detailed comments are as follows:

  1. Background Traffic: the analysis assumes no diversion of existing traffic onto the proposed Holburn extension. The report should be revised assuming a realistic amount of traffic diversion to and from the existing neighbourhood east of the subject development.

  2. Warrant Analyses: No warrant analyses were provided in the report. Based on the total traffic volumes presented in Figure 7 (total traffic 2025), a southbound left turn lane will be warranted at the proposed Howard Avenue / Holburn Street intersection. The following warrant analyses should be provided (based on traffic forecasts that take into account comment #1, above):

    1. Traffic signal warrant analysis (as per OTM Book 12)