Geographic Eligibility

The Municipal Development Fees Grant Program is applicable to the entire Community Improvement Project Area for projects that meet the program requirements outlined above.

Combining with the Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program the University Ave West and Wyandotte Street West corridors are located within the boundaries of Council’s existing Development Charges Reduction program for infill projects. Development Charges are significantly reduced in these areas to encourage infill development that contributes to the intensification of existing core areas of the city.

Any remaining Municipal Development Charges that are assessed as a result of the development or redevelopment will also be eligible for the Municipal Development Fees Grant Program for projects that qualify for the Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program. The Educational Development Charge will still apply to all developments or redevelopments. The City Planner will document each approval and submit a description of each approval as a Communication agenda item to City Council for informational purposes.

Grant Calculation

The amount of the grant will be determined based upon the total dollar value of all of the Municipal Development Fees owing to the City. The grant will be for 100% of the eligible Municipal Development Fees, up to a maximum of $50,000 per property.

Grant Payment

Payment of the grant is made to the applicant upon the Municipality being satisfied that the applicant has complied with all terms and conditions of the application procedure, inspection procedures, development procedures, and completion of work within the required time frame.

In accordance with the Planning Act, the total of the Municipal Development Fees Grant Program will not exceed the approved eligible costs for the Municipal Development Fees Grant Program.

Grant Agreement

As a condition of approval of an application for a Municipal Development Fees Grant, the applicant may be required to enter into an agreement with the City. The Agreement may be registered against the land to which it applies and will specify the terms, duration and default provisions of the grant.

Other Funding

Projects that are eligible for the Municipal Development Fees Grant Program are permitted to combine the incentives from any other City of Windsor approved Community Improvement Plan, provided that the total of all property tax assistance, grants and loans provided by the City in relation to this, or any other CIP, will not exceed the approved eligible costs for all approved incentive programs