
Municipal Development Fees Grants are a grant equal to 100% of the fee paid for the following eligible types of planning/ development applications and building permits:

The Municipal Development Fees Grant Program is intended to encourage development along the University Ave West and Wyandotte Street West corridors by providing a financial incentive to offset the costs associated with seeking the appropriate planning approvals and building permits for a project. 


The Municipal Development Fees Grant Program will consist of a grant program, whereby property owners will be eligible to receive a grant for 100% of the specified Municipal Development Fees, up to a maximum of $50,000 per property. 

Program Details  

Applicants are eligible to apply for funding under this program, subject to meeting the general program requirements, the following program specific requirements, and subject to the availability of funding as approved by Council:

  1. The Municipal Development Fees will be refunded at 100% of the fees owing to the City of Windsor, up to a maximum amount of $50,000 per project.

  2. The Municipal Development Fees Grant is only available for the Municipal Development Fees that are directly associated with a project that results in the development, redevelopment, adaptive reuse or rehabilitation of a building or property and qualifies for another program under the CIP.

  3. The applicant will be required to submit a complete application to the City describing in detail the development or redevelopment that is planned, including application for building permit(s). This may include floor plans, site plans, reports, business plans, estimates, contracts and other details as may be required to satisfy the Municipality with respect to conformity of the project with the CIP. The application must be submitted to the City prior to the final approval of financial incentives for the project.

  4. The Municipal Development Fees Grant is a grant equal to 100% of the fees paid for the following eligible types of planning/ development applications and building permits: 

    • Official Plan amendment;
    • Zoning By-law amendment;
    • Minor Variance;
    • Consent to Sever;
    • Site Plan Control;
    • Plan of Subdivision/Condominium;
    • Demolition Permit (except where the demolition permit is for a property listed on the Municipal Heritage Register;
    • Building Permit;
    • Sign Permit; and,
    • Other development related municipal fees that are not listed above, that advance the purpose of this program, may be considered at the discretion of the City Planner. 
  5. Municipal Development Fees Grants do not include the Parkland Dedication Fees that are associated with the development, redevelopment, adaptive reuse or rehabilitation of a building or property.

  6. Building permit fees for newly created single family lots resulting from a Plan of Subdivision approval are not eligible for a Municipal Development Fees Grant.

  7. Any remaining Municipal Development Charges that are assessed as a result of the development or redevelopment will also be eligible for the Municipal Development Fees Grant Program for projects that qualify for the Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program.

  8. Determination of compliance with the requirements of this program and the amount of the grant (within the permitted terms of this program) is at the discretion of and subject to the approval of the City Planner.

  9. The Development and Building Fees Grant will be paid after all construction is complete and all final inspections pertinent to all permits eligible for grants have been conducted by the City.