
The Commercial/ Mixed Use Building Facade Improvement Program is intended to encourage the redesign, renovation or restoration of commercial and mixed-use building facades in within the Community Improvement Project Area by providing a financial incentive to offset some of the costs associated with the improvement of building facades.

This program is intended to: 

Exterior improvements funded by the program help businesses make a better first impression, showcase merchandise and services, and attract new customers.


The Commercial/ Mixed Use Building Facade Improvement Program will consist of a grant program, whereby property owners, tenants and/or assignees will be eligible to receive a grant for 50% of the eligible costs of the facade improvements, up to $20,000 per property.

At the discretion of Council, the grant can be increased by up to $10,000 per property/project for properties/projects:

Program Details 

Applicants are eligible to apply for funding under this program, subject to meeting the general program requirements, the following program-specific requirements, and subject to the availability of funding as approved by Council: 

  1. Pre-consultation with the applicant and staff from the Planning Department to discuss the proposed improvements is recommended prior to submitting an application to access the Program.

  2. The applicant will be required to complete and provide the following application materials to the Planning and Building Services Department.
      • An completed application form; 
      • Detailed plans/drawings of the improvements to be undertaken; and 
      • Three estimates of the cost of undertaking the proposed  improvements.
  3. The evaluation of the applicant’s proposal will be based on the extent to which the project enhances building aesthetics and functionality with regard for the interface between building and adjacent street(s) and/or public spaces.

  4. Design advice and technical assistance may be offered through the Planning Department to assess the property and suggest facade improvements.

  5. All elevation drawings will be reviewed and approved by the City and subject to an agreement that stipulates the specifics of the approved facade design and improvements.

  6. The following types of building façade restoration and improvement works on commercial and mixed use buildings are considered eligible for a Commercial/ Mixed Use Building Facade Improvement grant:

    • Repair or replacement of storefront, including repair or replacement of storefront doors and windows;
    • Exterior and entrance modifications to provide barrier free accessibility;
    • Repair or repointing of facade masonry and brickwork;
    • Repair or replacement of cornices, parapets, eaves, soffits and other architectural details;