6) Other mitigation measures :

Immediately adjacent to the east is a railroad that provides a compatible use with no conflict with the Transportation Terminal. Further to the east is the Windsor Airport. The airport is a mutually supportive use to a transportation terminal.

Lands to the north are additional industrial lands zoned (MD2.1). The lands to the north have an industrial use that is compatible with the transportation terminal based on the nature of the industrial uses.

The noise and vibration study will provide for any other mitigation measures required such as buffering adjacent to the railroad.

7) Increased market demand:

The airport is a transportation node that requires close proximity to the truck transportation terminal as a supportive and symbiotic transportation node. There is a need for transportation terminals within the City of Windsor. As a border city, transportation nodes are gateways to the community, the province and the country. This subject site is particularly significant with the proximity to the airport, adjacent to the subject lands to the east. In addition is the close proximity to the new hospital to be located down Division Street, location to major commercial node of Walker Road, and the close proximity to industrial nodes, as well as close proximity to Highway 401 and the County Road network. The access to the site from other significant land uses, supportive uses that require a truck transportation terminal in close proximity, is a vital key component to the support for the land use and authorizing the exe

8) High aesthetic characteristics of proposal: Business Office – not a trailer:

The applicant is proposing to upgrade the property and establish a high standard transport terminal.

Site remediation includes paving the entrance and substantial part of the parcel of land. The areas remaining with gravel for the parking lot area will be provided with a dust suppressant to ensure the site remains visually appealing.

Extensive landscaping will be provided including grassed areas, buffer lands, and bushes planted around the proposed office and if necessary, along the landscape berm to the residential uses. Landscaping will also be used to provide additional buffering should the noise and vibration report provide for more mitigating measures. Page 122 of 511 Development & Heritage Standing Committee - December 14, 2020