Importantly, the site and proposed use requires a building and associative parking. The transportation terminal building is proposed with 920 m2 GFA. A warehouse component, a truck maintenance shop, and a two storey office will be provided. Associated parking will also be provided to ensure the site will be developed appropriately and to a high standard expected in the City of Windsor.

9) Site Plan Control Agreement:

The applicant is proposing the submission of a site plan control application with the intent of establishing a Site Plan Control agreement for the site. The agreement will be registered on title and apply to current and future land owners to ensure continuity of the conditions and requirements for a functioning transportation.

Mitigation requirements will be identified in the site plan agreement to ensure administration and implementation. Requirements such as dust suppressants will be outlined in the agreement.


The applicant recognizes that the subject site will require work to bring the property to a standard that the municipality can support the requested transport terminal use. The site is significant in size and can accommodate the proposed works, buffering and site amenities.

In my professional opinion the proposed use of the subject lands for a transport terminal conforms with the relevant Official Plan policies; complies with the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw; will be developed to a high aesthetic quality; is an appropriate use for the subject lands; and will be further evaluated through Site Plan Control agreement to ensure development is sufficiently buffered from the existing residential land use.

Should you have any further questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me.


Lassaline Planning Consultants

Jackie Lassaline BA MCIP RPP