In my professional opinion, the proposed transportation terminal is a permitted use in the (MD2.1) zone and complies with the regulations of the MD 2.1 zone. A minor variance or zoning bylaw amendment is not required to facilitate the establishment of the proposed use.

4) Impact on surrounding infrastructure:

Municipal water is available to the site for connection. A septic system will be installed to provide servicing for the proposed office facility.

The lands front on Division Road with an existing entrance. The entrance will be improved and the throat access paved from Division Road to ensure trucks do not degrade municipal road in this area.

A SWM report will be provided as a component of the SPC complete application showing the site management of storm water to ensure storm water from the site is managed appropriately. The study and design will assist with ensuring existing uncontrolled and unmanaged drainage concerns affecting the adjacent residential land uses in particular are resolved.

5) Proximity to sensitive land uses – no negative impacts:

Adjacent to the west lot line are a row of existing residences, considered a sensitive land use. A Noise and Vibration Study will be completed by the applicant prior to the submission of the SPC application. Conclusions and conditions of the Noise and Vibration Study will be implemented in the design of the SPC plans in order to ensure compliance with MECP noise guidelines for a truck transportation terminal adjacent to sensitive receptors. Site specific provisions will be provided in the SPC agreement to ensure compliance with the land use and the existing residential uses continues.

The applicant is proposing to augment site features to ensure compatibility of the proposed use with the existing residential development. As you can see in the attached site plan, there is an existing 1.8 m high fence proposed with the inclusion of mesh within the fence to provide visual buffering and will assist with the reduction of truck lights affecting the residences. In addition, a 4 m wide landscape buffer will be installed along the adjacent property line with a proposed sound berm to reduce any potential noise. The height and details of the berm to be determined by the Noise and Vibration Study and requirement included in the site plan as part of the SPC drawing.

The applicant recognizes that SPC review will result in other features being required to ensure a high standard for the aesthetics of the site.