Area residents D’Arcy Woodbridge, Al Conle, Aimee Allen, Suzanne Cayen, Betty Allen, Greg Allen and Mike Greenwood expressed the following concerns:

The Chair does mention to the delegates that many of their concerns are items that are addressed through the Site Plan Control process.

The Chair asks the agents/architects why there wasn’t a public meeting held prior to the application coming before the Committee? Mr. Josh Hurley-Burns of Dillon Consulting answers advising they sent out a package to the surrounding neighbours notifying of the development, including the proposed Site Plan. Many comments were received of which parking was the main concern with a few minor comments regarding the servicing of the property. Because of the comments, a revision to the development was made, including an increase in parking spaces underground. A revised package was sent out to only those that initially commented. Due to Covid and restrictions in place, they did their best to update area residents of the proposed development. The Chair inquires whether the proponents would be willing to hold a more public conversation to discuss all their concerns? Mr. Tanner advises that they have no issue in doing so. They can get something going within the next month in order to explain the different processes involved and what they entail. Most of the concerns presented are dealt through the Site Plan Control process.

Councillor Holt suggests deferring the application in order to satisfy the queries presented by the delegates this evening.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Gill