THAT the report of the Senior Planner dated October 27, 2020 entitled “Rezoning - AIPL Canada Holdings Inc. – 1200-1220 University Avenue West - Z-009/20 [ZNG/6070] - Ward 3” BE DEFERRED to the December 14, 2020 Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting to allow a public consultation with the surrounding residents and for some of the concerns of the surrounding residents to be addressed with the proponent.


Report Number: S 91/2020

Clerk’s File: ZB/ 13838

7.4 Z-024/20 [ZNG/6169] & OPA 137 [OPA/6170] – Gamal Meakhael 1223-1233 University Ave W – Rezoning & Official Plan Amendment Ward 3

Simona Simion (author), Planner II – Research & Policy Support

Ms. Simion provides a presentation of the report.

Jackie Lassaline, planner, Lassaline Planners – supports and agrees with the recommendations. She is in attendance with the owner, Zeshan Choudry. Ms. Lassaline provides a brief presentation of the proposed development.

Councillor Morrison asks how the applicant plans to make the ground floor reversible in the event that demand for commercial space is needed? Ms. Lassaline advises although the windows and doors will be updated, the look won’t change. It will maintain that commercial type facade to the building.

Member Gyemi seeks a little more clarification on the size of the windows. Mr. Choudry advises the quality of the windows will be updated. The facade will receive no changes. Mr. Gyemi asks whether separation/privacy from the wide sidewalk is then going to be from within the unit? Mr. Choudry confirms. Mr. Gyemi then inquires about the basement unit and seeks additional clarification as to its inclusions. Mr. Choudry advises all bicycle parking will be outdoors however, there is storage provided inside for bikes. All outdoor bike parking is accessible for all tenants. The bathrooms are pre-existing.

Councillor Holt inquires why Council is hesitant to allow conversion of commercial space to residences on the main floor on a main street? What is the purpose of preserving commercial spaces on the main floor? Ms. Simion advises that the City would like to preserve commercial areas around the University in the event the University again becomes more vibrant and the need presents itself. Councillor Holt advises his question was more general to the entire city, not just the