currently is approximately 988 sq ft. and advises the additional 3 rd unit will probably be a little less than that. Mr. Robins advises each unit is approximately 500 sq ft. The basement unit would be a little smaller. Proposing to put in a 2 bedroom unit in the basement.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Member Gyemi

Decision Number: DHSC 210


  1. THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by changing the zoning of Part Lot 7, Plan 312; located on the west side of McEwan Avenue, south of University Avenue West (shown as the subject lands on Appendix A to Report S126/2020), from RD 1.3 to RD 2.2 and by adding a site specific provision to Section 20(1) as follows:


For the lands comprising Part Lot 7, Plan 312; for any permitted use in Section 11.2.1, save and except for a townhome dwelling, the following additional provisions shall also apply:

  1. Lot Width – minimum – 10.0 m

  2. Lot Area – minimum – 315 m 2

  3. Front Yard Depth – minimum – 5.0 m

  4. Side Yard Width – minimum – 0.6 m for the structure existing at the time of this bylaw passing

[ZDM 3; ZNG/6162]”


Report Number: S 126/2020

Clerk’s File: Z B/13925

7.3 Z-009/20 [ZNG/6070] – AIPL Canada Holdings Inc 1200-1220 University Ave W – Rezoning Ward 3

Greg Atkinson (author), Planner III – Economic Development

Mr. Atkinson provides a presentation on the report.

Karl Tanner, consultant, advises they’re all in agreement with the recommendations from Administration. Mr. Tanner goes on to expand further on the presentation given earlier and all the applications and procedures the applicant will be going through, ie. Committee of Adjustment and Site Plan Control.