SDN001/20 comments:

Transit Windsor

Transit Windsor has no objections to this subdivision plan. Our South Windsor 7 route would be the closest existing service with service along Howard. The closest bus stops to this subdivision area are located on Howard at Maguire, which are approximately 270 metres from where Holburn would come out onto Howard. Our average walking distance guideline to a bus stop is 400 metres. Our Council approved Transit Master Plan has a new local route travelling along Howard to Mag uire to Holburn that would continue to provide service to this new subdivision with service in both directions. The closest bus stops would probably be located on Maguire at Holburn with this new local route. These still have to be determined.

Windsor Fire Service:

Request that streets A, B and C all end in a cul -de-sac to ensure safe entry and exiting of emergency apparatus. When streets A and B extend to Mcguire, then the cul -de-sacs can be removed.

John Lee

Chief Fire Officer July 16, 2020Prevention


Attention: Jim Abbs

Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision (SDN-001/20 [SDN/6094]), 3638-3738 Howard Ave., Windsor; Your File No.

SDN 001/20 [SDN/6094

Our File No. 87406

Dear Sir/Madam

We have reviewed the circulation regarding the above noted application. The following paragraphs are to be included as a condition of approval:

“The Owner acknowledges and agrees to convey any easement(s) as deemed necessary by Bell Canada to service this new development. The Owner further agrees and acknowledges to convey such easements at no cost to Bell Canada.

The Owner agrees that should any conflict arise with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements within the subject area, the Owner shall be responsible for the relocation of any such facilities or easem ents at their own cost.”

The Owner is advised to contact Bell Canada at during the detailed utility design stage to confirm the provision of communication/telecommunication infrastructure needed to service the development.