
Recommendation 1 – Transport Terminal Land Use Study

The Transport Terminal Land Use Study (“Study”) was tabled at the November 16 meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (DHSC) to allow time for DHSC members and the public to review the Study. The amendments recommended in this report are based on the Study. The Study is divided into five parts:

Part 1 - Provides a brief introduction, a list of those departments and individuals who provided feedback on the Study, and a list of abbreviations used in the Study.

Part 2 - Background describes the regulatory environment at the Federal, Provincial, and Municipal levels regarding the freight transport sector. Changes to the regulatory environment at the Federal and Provincial levels are driving demand for safe and secure areas to park and store transport trucks.

Part 3 - Planning Framework is an in-depth review of applicable planning policies, documents, and processes that provide the planning and land use basis for Part 4 of the Study. The general policy direction of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) and the City of Windsor Official Plan support Transport Terminal as a permitted use subject to appropriate mitigation measures.

Part 4 - Moving Forward reviews various concerns and recommends various actions that should be taken to satisfy the main purposes of the study. Actions include additional policy direction in the Official Plan, various revisions to Zoning By-laws 8600 and 85-18 that will provide much clearer direction in terms of Transport Terminal,

Part 5 - Conclusion provides a summary of the study and groups actions by time frame.

Refer to the Study for a copy of Council Decision CR291/2019, Interim Control By-law 78-2019 and relevant excerpts from Zoning By-laws 8600 and 85-18.

Recommendation 1 accepts the Transport Terminal Land Use Study which administration will rely on to implement various amendments.

Recommendation 2 - Official Plan Amendment 139

The Study notes that the “ locational requirements in Section of the Official Plan serve as a starting point in providing policy direction on where a Transport Terminal should be located ”. These include sufficient separation or buffering from sensitive land uses, access to an arterial road, provision of full municipal services, directing industrial traffic away from residential areas, and access to designated truck routes.

How ever, the Study states that “f urther policy direction is required for a Transport Terminal” to: