Decision Number: DHSC 211


THAT the Transport Terminal Land Use Study, attached as Appendix A, BE TABLED for consideration at the December 14, 2020 meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee with no discussion at this time.


Report Number: S 146/2020

Clerk’s File: Z/13528

7.1 Z-019/20 [ZNG/6162] – Philip Robins 333 McEwan Ave – Rezoning Ward 2

George Robinson, Author, Planner II – Revitalization & Policy Initiatives

Mr. Robinson provides a brief presentation of the report.

Tracy Pillon-Abbs, agent, advises she and the applicant are in full agreement with the recommendations and is available for questions.

Mr. Gyemi seeks clarification on the setback in case of an addition. Mr. Robinson points out the section on the report to assist in his explanation/clarification and are bound to conditions of the setback if an addition is added.

Councillor Holt to Administration, does Council/Administration have any ability to charge the developers who are moving the parking to the back alley for infrastructure to bolster alley maintenance funds. Mr. Robinson notes comments from Public Works regarding alley contribution fee and any associated developmental costs through the building permit process. Mr. Winters advises there are some line items in the User Fee Schedule for next year that can be charged back to the developers.

Member Rondot asks about a recently passed by-law and better clarification between the addition of mother-in-law suites and this application? Mr. Robinson advises that Addition Dwelling Units (ADUs) are only permitted in single/semi/townhouse dwellings. This is an existing up/down duplex. Adding an addition automatically becomes a multi-dwelling unit in terms of the zoning by-law. Mr. Rondot goes on to inquire if adding an Additional Dwelling Unit to the back of the property would be permitted? Mr. Robinson advises an Additional Dwelling Unit would not be a permitted use for this type of dwelling. They’d require another rezoning to permit a dwelling in an accessory building.

Councillor Sleiman inquires how many square feet in the duplex currently? Once converted to three units, how many square feet are there per unit? Mr. Robinson refers to Appendix A where the