City Council
Monday, December 7, 2020

IX) That the Chief Administrative Officer BE AUTHORIZED to delegate signing of claims and applicable schedules and other such documents required as part of the requires for the awarded projects to the appropriate Executive Director or Corporate Leader for their respective projects, or designates, and to, subject to financial content approval from the area’s Financial Manager.


Report Number: C 222/2020

Clerk’s File: MH/13786


8.10. Close and Convey the North/South Alley Between Blackburn Court and Huron Church Road - Ward 2 - Applicant: E. Selaya - 3769 Blackburn Court - SAA/5612

Brian Chillman, Solicitor representing Khahra Real Estate Corp. and Huron Church Animal Hospital

Brian Chillman, Solicitor representing Khahra Real Estate Corp. and Huron Church Animal Hospital (owners of the properties known municipally as 1797 Huron Church Road, Windsor, Ontario and the vacant land abutting 1797 Huron Church Road to the south), appears before Council and requests that Council refer the report of the Development and Heritage Standing Committee pertaining to the request to Close and Convey the North/South Alley Between Blackburn Court and Huron Church Road, back to the Standing Committee to allow them to make a presentation to the Committee.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: CR608/2020 DHSC 217

That the report of the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the request to Close and Convey the North/South Alley Between Blackburn Court and Huron Church Road, BE REFERRED back to the Standing Committee at the next available meeting in 2021, to allow for Brian Chillman, Solicitor representing Khahra Real Estate Corp. and Huron Church Animal Hospital (owners of the properties known municipally as 1797 Huron Church Road, Windsor, Ontario and the vacant land abutting 1797 Huron Church Road to the south), to appear as a delegation, as technical difficulties at the November 16, 2020 prevented the delegation from taking place at that time.

Report Number: SCM 337/2020 & S 9/2020

Clerk’s File: SAA2020