City Council
Monday, December 7, 2020 


10.1. Annual Sponsor Recognition Presentation – Jason Moore

Jason Moore, Senior Manager, Communications and Customer Service 

Jason Moore, Senior Manager, Communications and Customer Service, appears before Council to present the Corporation of the City of Windsor’s Annual Sponsor Recognition as follows:

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: CR615/2020

That the presentation by the Senior Manager, Communications and Customer Service regarding the Corporation of the City of Windsor’s 2020 Sponsor Recognition BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION , noting the following recipients:

Clerk’s File: APR2020

10.2. 2020 Development Charges Study & Bylaw Update - City Wide

Craig Binning, Partner, Hemson Consulting Ltd; and Julia Cziraky, Consultant

Craig Binning, Partner, Hemson Consulting Ltd; and Julia Cziraky, Consultant, appear before Council to provide an overview of the 2020 Development Charges Study and By-law Update, including a background of Development Charges in Windsor; three Development Charges Service areas (city-wide; city-wide excluding Sandwich South; and Sandwich South); Capital Programs Summary; Calculated City-wide Development Charges; Calculated Sandwich South Development