1. Verification Guidelines: Limitations on what can be required in applications

Housing Services Act Regulation 367(11) and the Windsor Essex Local Rules provide limits on what can be required in CHR application and applies to the operation of the CHR,

  1. The CHR shall not require a person to provide information or documents if the CHR is satisfied that the person is unable to do so.

  2. The CHR shall not require information or documents with respect to an application for subsidized housing where the applicant is homeless or hard to house and is assisted by a recognized support service agency and the agency informs the CHR, in writing, that the agency is of the view that the applicant is unable to obtain or provide the information or documents requested by the CHR.

  3. The CHR shall not require information or documents with respect to an application that includes a request for inclusion in the special priority household category if the member of the household making the request believes that he or she or any other member of the household will be at risk of being abused by the abusing individual if he or she attempts to obtain the information or documents.

2. Verification Guidelines: Age, Independence and Citizenship

Any one of the following documents or confirmations: 

  1. Ontario Works benefit verification;
  2. Ontario Disability Support Program benefits verification;
  3. Canadian Birth Certificate;
  4. Valid Canadian Passport;
  5. Registered Indian Band Status;
  6. Proof of Live Birth or Birth Registration in Canada;
  7. Baptismal Certificate from Quebec or Newfoundland;
  8. Canadian Citizenship Card;
  9. Canadian Citizenship Certificate;
  10. Canadian National Defence Card or other confirmation of Veteran status;
  11. Written confirmation from a representative of a recognized support service agency, lawyer or legal clinic confirming that the applicant has applied for a replacement Birth Certificate;
  12. Permanent Resident Card;
  13. Proof from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship acknowledging an application has been made for Permanent Resident status in Canada;
  14. Written confirmation from a representative of a recognized support service agency, lawyer or legal clinic confirming that the applicant applied for permanent status in Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada);
  15. Immigration documents indicating Refugee Claimant status;