Section 1

Verifications Guidelines

For the purposesof these Guidelines, the following terms have the meaningsas set out:

“applicant” means one or more personsthat have applied for subsidized housing; “CHR” means the Central Housing Registry of Windsor and Essex County; “extenuating circumstances”applies to Verification Guideline 3 -Amounts Owed by Household and exist if entering in to a repayment agreement will create undue hardship.

“household” means one or more persons that reside or intend to reside together in the same rental unit and to form one tenancy;

“LR” means WindsorEssexLocalRules; "reasonableefforts” applies to Verification Guideline 3 -Amounts Owedby Household and includes an offerin writing to repay arrears or an amount,having regard to the household member's income and circumstances. Provider acceptanceofthe offer is not required for the household membertosatisfy this RGI criteria requirement.

The “reasonable efforts” obligation does not require the household memberto exhaustall possible meansoffulfilling its obligation nor to undertake steps which are expensive or time consuming;or to undertakeall and every effortorefforts to the point of undue hardship. “recognized support service agency” means an agency that receives all or part of its operating funding from the municipal and/or provincial and/or federal government and where the agency demonstrates sufficient knowledge of the household's circumstancesto,in their professional capacity and opinion, confirm or verify that a CHR applicant has satisfied a certain RGI eligibility requirement.

“RGI” means rent-geared-to-income.

“undue hardship”appliesto Verification Guideline 3 -Amounts Owed by Household and exists wherethe household member’sspecific circumstancewill result in an unreasonable or disproportionate burdenor obstacle when attempting to satisfy the “Amounts owed by Household” requirement of Regulation 367, Undue hardship exists where the household membercannot maintain, based on current income, a minimalstandardofliving for themselves and dependentsif forced to repay arrears owed to other social housing providers; and circumstancesexist indicating thatthis state of affairsis likely to persist for a significant portion of a repaymentperiodif a repayment agreementis entered into.