
  1. if the household is applying from a Housing with Support home, other supportive home or housing or hospital, or is in receipt of support services at the time of completing the CHR application, confirmation by phone, email or letter that the applicant has the ability to live independently or with the aid of support is required from a recognized support service agency or other relevant professional having knowledge of the household’s circumstances is required;

  2. Other documentation is acceptable to the Manager of the CHR.


3. Verification Guidelines: Amounts owed by Household

  1. Run a check through the Provincia—wide arrears database and the Windsor CHR Yardi database and review the applicable section of the application;

  2. If a member of the household owes arrears or an amount, with respect to a previous tenancy in any housing project under any transferred housing program, the following is required:

    1. A copy or other confirmation a re-payment agreement in place; or

    2. a copy or other confirmation of reasonable efforts to enter into an agreement to repay the arrears

  3. For clarity, an application may not be rejected solely on the grounds that 3 Provider has rejected an offer of repayment as described in item 2 above. Where 3 Provider has rejected an offer, the CHR must be satisfied as to the affordability of an offer having regard to the household member's income and circumstances before concluding that this requirement has not been met.

  4. Confirmation of payment is not required to satisfy these RGI eligibility criteria.

  5. The requirement to enter into a repayment agreement is waived if extenuating circumstances exist or the applicant has made reasonable efforts to enter into a repayment agreement.

4. Verification Guidelines: Maximum Household Income Limit (HILS)

  1. Self-declaration of income on the application.

  2. Total gross annual household income cannot exceed Maximum Household income Limits.