and we will have to work out the finances to make it for all municipalities to handle over a long period of time for the capital costs in putting this in place.

Mr. DiCarlo stated that from the report we are still going to create a working group and they still are going to come back with a plan with the help of a consultant. The costs are all going to come back for approval at a later date.

Mrs. MacDonald stated as she understands the motion, that this is going to be part of the EWSWA budget which is not in the recommendation in the report, isn’t that correct? Mr. Kaschak replied yes it would be part of the EWSWA budget similar to recycling. Mrs. MacDonald stated she has comfort with this and using an environmental consultant for some direction. Ultimately, she stated that we could take this back to the County but does not see any harm with what is being stated here. We will still have an outside consultant; a working group and we will put into the EWSWA budget which I think is fair. She stated that she doesn’t have a problem as how Mr. Costante’s motion stands.

Mr. Sleiman wanted to repeat a comment and an issue that we dealt with at one time, the idea of not receiving garbage from Toronto. The Board stood together and we did not accept garbage from outside of Essex-Windsor.

Mr. Kaschak asked Mr. Costante if it would be possible for the General Manager to ask a question?

The General Manager stated in regards to the Working Group referenced in Item #3 of the motion, “THAT the Board approve a Food and Organic Waste Working Group comprised of municipal representatives from the City of Windsor and the County of Essex as well as an Environmental Consultant or the development of the Regional Food and Organics Waste Management Plan.” The General Manager stated the first question relates to the Working Group as it says it is comprised of municipal representatives from Windsor and the County of Essex. The General Manager wanted clarification of what the County of Essex means. He asked if that means County of Essex Staff or staff from the municipalities that comprise the 7 County municipalities.

The General Manager stated the reason he asked the question is because the Manager of Waste Diversion, Manager of Waste Disposal, Manager of Finance and the General Manager are not County of Essex staff, they are Authority staff. There is a differentiation. The General Manager stated that there are different groups of administration - City of Windsor, County of Essex and EWSWA as well as municipal staff from the 7 county municipalities. The General Manager’s recommendation was to have representatives from all those municipal staff while Item #3 says only County of Essex.

Mr. Costante offered a suggestion that the Working Group Item #3 could be subject to a recommendation from the General Manager for discussion at the next Board meeting. Mr. Costante is open to an amendment to his motion in regards to the composition of the Working Group referred to in Item #3.