Mr. McNamara stated that there is some opportunity. The federal government is forward on the climate change item and there really are some strong arguments that could be made to channel some dollars. He believes there is opportunity to secure dollars for municipalities that try to achieve government targets. He noted Windsor and Essex working collectively together to receive the dollars.

Mr. McKenzie expressed how excited and delighted regarding all the comments from the Board members for recognizing the need for climate change. He stated that we can make a significant difference through this progress. We have an obligation to tackle the various pieces and mitigate the impact of climate change.

Mr. Costante asked for a recorded vote.

Mr. Bondy stated he was trying to take notes of the motion as it was being read. Mr. Bondy stated that he would actually like to read the motion. He asked if it could it be sent and read by email. Mr. Bondy stated that he does not want to commit LaSalle to something without actually reading the motion.

Mr. DiCarlo asked if the motion could be repeated so he can see what the difference was in the motion compared to the recommendations from the General Manager.

Mr. Costante asked if he should reread the motion. Mr. DiCarlo, Mrs. MacDonald and Mr. McNamara asked for the motion to be emailed to them.

Mr. Bondy stated he does not have a problem with “developing” but has a problem if we are going to start “implementing” which is item number 2. Mr. Bondy stated that he does not want to commit LaSalle to anything yet until he knows the cost. Mr. Bondy stated that if it is just to put together a working group than he has no problem but if it is to implement a program, he would like to know costs before committing to anything.

Mr. Costante replied to Mr. Bondy that the intent would be for this to be led by EWSWA through the EWSWA budget and would be consistent with the landfill funding model and would be a regional approach and include all municipalities.

Mr. Bondy replied so all the municipalities will participate through EWSWA basically through our fees regardless whether they would want to participate or not. Mr. Bondy asked the General Manager if he had any potential cost estimates for this. Mr. Bondy stated that he believes he did not see this in the report. The General Manager stated that he did not. Mr. Bondy stated that he needs some numbers before he can vote on this. He also stated that he does not want to implement anything until he gets a cost on this. Mr. Bondy stated that if it is the intent to put a group together to get a cost estimate that was fine but he cannot commit any dollars beyond that.

Mr. Morrison stated that he will be supporting this and the timing and to Mayor Bondy’s point, we could easily be looking at some kind of debt structure and we are not going to be able to tax residents to pay for all this upfront. We have to do this for many reasons