Moved by Fabio Costante
Seconded by Aldo DiCarlo

  1. THAT the Board RECEIVE the report for the information contained within, and

  2. THAT the Board APPROVE the development and implementation of a Regional Food and Organics Waste Management Plan and that the funding for such form part of the EWSWA Budget consistent with the Landfill funding model, and

  3. THAT the Board APPROVE a Food and Organic Waste Working Group comprised of municipal representatives from the City of Windsor and the County of Essex as well as an Environmental Consultant for the development of the Regional Food and Organics Waste Management Plan, and

  4. THAT the Corporation of the City of Windsor be responsible for all technical aspects of the Regional Food and Organics Waste Management Plan development.

In regards to #3 above, a friendly amendment was suggested and was accepted by the mover and the seconder:

THAT the General Manager prepare a report for the consideration of the Board at its November 3, 2020 meeting and that the purpose of the report is to make a recommendation as to which municipal representatives will comprise the working group.

Recorded vote on the motion:



11. Other Items

No other items were raised for discussion.