The motion was passed in favor of the purchase of the lands by the hospital and one would conclude said support by the city also had no issue with the price of $100,000 an acre for these farmlands.

This then brings us to today's Agenda Item 10.2, "2020 Development Charges & Study & Bylaw Update-City Wide, that also includes a separate section for the Sandwich South District, which did not even get raised at the Nov. 9th was going to be before council today.

Again, the main point to be raised is as it relates to the Sandwich South Planning District Storm Sewer& Municipal Drains Infrastructure, that is an "estimated forecasted" Capital Program with specific reference to Upper Little River Stormwater Management marked as Item # 2, that has three items, Phased Engineering, Land Acquisition, and Construction for a total of $ 214,832,000.

It is clear the largest estimate forecast would be for construction, with the next biggest item being land acquisitions since the amount of land that needs to support the Upper Little River Stormwater Master Plan/ Stormwater Corridor, was identified as "not complete", but rather on-going, but has been confirmed the corridor size would be 325 m along the Little River Drain and 200 m along the tributaries and the lowest value for Phased Engineering.

Again, it is with continued surprise that as experienced as Hemson Consulting firm and the fact that they are very familiar with the Windsor area, that they cannot provide three individual breakdown amounts that they would have individual values or percentages to come up with the total unless there may be a request by the city finance department that it is not available at this time, which is the same question was asked in 2018 and the response with some reference to engineering services which is already covered in the above line item and the fact that we are dealing with estimated and providing projected costs for Captial Programs.

Another point raised was these cost estimates will be refined over time following the completion of the SSMSP and places a lot of information to be supplied in this Master Plan, which had a Project Launch in January of 2020, with a very limited amount of information provided, which then had the PIC # 1 set for the fall of 2020 and has been extended after the fact that said notification was not available for publication in The Windsor Star as all related matters continue to be the standard practice and the fact that the Sandwich South District is of great importance to all the residents of The City of Windsor and the County of Essex area and will be of great importance to the residence of Ward 7, 6 and 8 and not just Ward 9, since all the plans are pending the release of the Stormwater Management System/ ULRSWM Master Plan and corridor, that includes the Lauzon Parkway Study Plan that allowed a shift of the parkway to the west when the planned corridor size was planned to be less than 100 m to an upper level of 150 m and be equally split on each side of the Little River Drain, but must be revised and adjust back to the east to the original Technically Preferred Plan.

The team of SSMSP was also informed that a lot of key information was missing as part of the displays as well as some displays need to be corrected to allow for easier review of the