December 7, 2020
City Council Meeting
Additional Information – Item 10.2

From: Bill Balazs

Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 11:58 AM

To: Toldo, Beth < >; Ciacelli, Anna <>

Cc: clerks < >

Subject: Re: Council Meeting of Dec. 7th 2020 Request for Delegation

CAUTION : This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

RE: Delegation Appearance at Council Meeting of Dec.. 07,2020 per Item # 10.2, 2020 Development Charges Study & Bylaw Update- City Wide ( C 54/2020)

Good Morning:

The following is a brief summary of the presentation with the above attachments for the City Council Meeting of Dec. 07, 2020 ;

Before I start, I wish to let this council know that my background is in finance and accounting as well as engineering among just a few to be mention.

As I begin, I wish to again raise the key element of the need for the city council to be transparent and open on the matters that come before the council.

It is clear to all as was present at the council meeting of Nov. 9th, 2020 with respect to the Motion in support of the hospital purchase of the lands, that everyone followed their own reason for their vote that was based on the need to "do the right thing" whether those that spoke to support the motion because of the needs for the residence of Windsor, as well as benefiting all the residence within Essex County or those that voted to delay until further information was provided to have a better understanding of the cost of such a project/plans that apply to all of the Sandwich South Area.

One can also note the discussion of cost and the reference to Estimated Project Captial Cost as outlined in the previous Development Charges Amendment of 2018 for the Sandwich South Planning District listing the estimates for various infrastructure estimated Project Capital Costs, with further studies and further reviews, as well as answers to other questions or resulting impacts.