information that is actually the true end resulting impacts, which listed all the study plans that are in excess of 2000 pages, which then raises the question a key report and mapping were not referenced or included in the display boards, with specific reference to the 1985 MacLaren Mapping Report of the 1981 Flood, that clearly provides the actual Observed Flood Line ( as per ERI Map # 1, 2, 4, and # 5 and may require # 6 to be included) individually or as presented as a combined map as attached above with all the information including elevations and the clear facts that a bottleneck exists at the CP Track Dyke and that back in 1981 the Twin Oaks Golf Course had dams on Little River Drain as an existing condition at that time as per the Twin Oaks Business Park Plan.

The team was informed that the true consulting process would require additional PIC # 1 since the SSMSP Master Plan is awaiting the completed ULRSWM Master Plan, ( that is not complete or withdrawn based on all facts) for a new flood line with elevations, which seems confusing since the above-attached maps are available today and never been released to the public in any of the previous plans, but after consultation on the completed outstanding study plans and proving all the interim plans for SWM System and Road System and present to the public with reference to existing conditions and all changed plans , then SSMSP will have all the information and responses from the public to present a report and permit the process to go to the next step of a PIC # 2 to meet the requirements of the full consultation with the public before final completion and submission to the city council and meet the need information in updating the Development Charges with fine-tuned requirements and values down the road, but it does prevent the process to provide a breakdown of three simple "estimated/proposed "Capital Budgeted Project Programs.

The key points as outlined above again refers back to "doing the right thing", full transparency, openness, full clarification of the facts, which will then allow the material to be presented to all parties and the public.

Note: the above will be forward to the mayor and all council members.

William F. Balazs
386823 Ontario Limited