The Differing Points of View

The process undertaken to date as part of the new DC background study has been a very open and inclusive one. The development industry representatives, administration and the City’s elected representatives have all provided significant input into the process, which should be helpful as City Council deliberates on the recommendations. 

There are many points of view that have been expressed by the development industry representatives and key stakeholders relative to the best course of action to take in approving a new development charges bylaw. The following are some of the main views expressed:

  1.  Development may move to neighboring municipalities if Windsor’s DC fees are too high in comparison.
  2. Decreasing fees will lead to more development in Windsor thus increasing the amount of property tax revenues to the City.
  3. There should be incentives for the core area of the city.
  4. Consideration of lower development fees for non-profit housing to encourage the building of additional housing units.

‘The following are administration's comments relative to these views.

View: Development may move to neighboring municipalities if Windsor’s DC Fees are too high in comparison.

The disproportionate growth of the suburbs compared to the city cores is a long standing rational trend that is not in any way unique to Windsor, or in administration's opinion, caused by the higher development charges in Windsor.