Item No. 11.3

Committee Matters: SCM 266/2019

Subject: Parking By-law #9023 amendment to Gross Vehicle Weight Rating and Public Utility Exemption - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Francis
Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: ETPS 690

That by-law 9023 BE AMENDED as follows:

DELETE: 10(3). No person shall park a vehicle having a registered gross weight or a gross vehicle weight rating of three thousand kilograms (3,000 kg.) or more at any time on any highway or portion of highway other than the highways set out in Schedule "AA" (Designated Truck Routes) hereof. (amended B/L 9l43, Sept. 2l/87; B/L 11338, Feb.15/93)(deleted & replaced B/L 57-2009, March 30/09)

10(4) No person shall park a vehicle having a registered gross weight or a gross vehicle weight rating of three thousand kilograms (3,000 kg.) or more, during the hours 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., Monday to Sunday on any Highway within the City of Windsor. (added B/L 283-2004, August 30/04) (deleted & replaced B/L 57-2009, March 30/09);

And REPLACE with:

10(3). No person shall park a vehicle having a registered gross weight or a gross vehicle weight rating of four thousand five hundred kilograms (4,500 kg.) or more at any time on any highway or portion of highway other than the highways set out in Schedule "AA" (Designated Truck Routes) hereof. (amended B/L 9l43, Sept. 2l/87; B/L 11338, Feb.15/93)(deleted & replaced B/L 57-2009, March 30/09)

10(4) No person shall park a vehicle having a registered gross weight or a gross vehicle weight rating of four thousand five hundred kilograms (4,500 kg.) or more, during the hours 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., Monday to Sunday on any Highway within the City of Windsor. (added B/L 283-2004, August 30/04) (deleted & replaced B/L 57- 2009, March 30/09); 


10(9) Sections 10(3) and 10(4) above do not apply to the following vehicles which are parked or stopped on any highway at anytime within the City of Windsor: