change in recent Stats Canada data for occupancy rate trends, by unit type, in newly constructed units.

The calculated residential charge per single detached unit in Sandwich South Planning District represents an increase of 8% over the current total charge. The calculated non-residential, commercial charge represents an increase of 22%. These increases are primarily due to construction cost inflation, the identification of additional Sandwich South-related infrastructure costs, and refinements to the area-specific development forecasts. Similar to the City-wide rates, the recent Stats Canada data also resulted in a decrease to the Semis, Rows category for this area.

The body of the report contains discussion relative to the impacts of the proposed rates as it relates to the City’s co mpetitiveness with neighbouring municipalities.

Appendix E is a summary of the revenues received through development charges in the last decade. It totals $62 million or approximately $6.2 million per year. It is noted that this timeframe generally coincides with one of the worst recessions on record. As the economy improved in the last couple of years, the revenues from this source are now in the $12 million range. The revenue from DCs will also increase as development progresses in the Sandwich South Planning District.

It should also be noted that at times developers construct and pay for infrastructure that the City would be responsible to construct. In return, developers get credits towards paying DC’s of a similar amount for the related service. Therefore, the revenue figures noted above understate the real value of the DC’s to the city.


Previous City-Wide DC Background Study & Bylaw

The previous City Wide DC Background Study was completed on April 10, 2015 and the DC Bylaw passed on May 4, 2015. Due to the challenging economic situation in the Windsor region at the time, the 2015 Background Study and maximum permissible rates were calculated using th e “low growth” scenarios contained within the City’s Official Plan 5 Year review. The Study also projected zero growth for the Sandwich South Planning District for the period covered by the study. These are the lands that were transferred from the Town of Tecumseh in 2003 comprising of 2,530ha and include Windsor International Airport and the Solar Farm Lands.

Various policy recommendations of the DC Task Force were also approved by City Council and implemented in the 2015 DC Bylaw.

Sandwich South Planning District DC Background Study and Bylaw Amendment

Subsequent to the 2015 DC Background Study being completed, the City of Windsor and surrounding areas experienced significant economic growth due to the strong local economy and resulting low unemployment rate. This area of the City will be needed to accommodate new areas of projected growth and settlement.

Hemson Consulting Ltd. was engaged to complete an Interim Area Specific Development Charge (ASDC) Background Study and DC Bylaw for the Sandwich South Planning District prior to the regular updating of the City Wide DC Bylaw in 2020. The Interim DC Study focused on growth in the East Pelton and County Road 42 Secondary Plan areas and included Capital