Infrastructure Plans required to support the new growth in these areas. Existing DC Charges for General Services and Pollution Control were used from the 2015 City – wide study.

At its meeting on June 18, 2018 City Council approved the following resolut ion:


That City Council APPROVE the May 24, 2018 Development Charges Amendment Background Study for the Sandwich South Planning District, along with recommendations from the Interim Development Charges Task Force - SSPD, and that a Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 60-2015, being a Bylaw to Impose Development Charges (DCs) BE BROUGHT BACK to City Council for Final Approval on July 23, 2018.”

Provincial Legislation Requirement for DCs

The Development Charges Act (DCA) requires that a new DC Background Study and DC Bylaw is prepared every five years. The current bylaw was set to expire on May 31, 2020. Therefore, in order to be able to collect DC Fees beyond this date a new DC Bylaw was targeted to be approved and in effect by June 1, 2020. The original DC Public meeting was scheduled to occur on April 6, 2020 with bylaw approval in May 2020, but was cancelled due to the COVID 19 Pandemic. Provincial legislation was subsequently passed to allow the current DC Bylaw to remain in effect during the declared emergency. The provincial emergency declaration was lifted on July 23, 2020. Council now has 6 months from that date, or until January 23, 2021 to approve a new DC Bylaw.

At its meeting on May 27, 2019, City Council approved the following resolution:


  1. That City Council APPROVE the timelines for the 2020 Development Charge (DC) Background Study and DC Bylaw Update; and,

  2. That City Council APPROVE the hiring of Hemson Consulting Ltd. through procurement consistent with the City’s Purchasing Bylaw at a cost of $66,450 plus HST, as approved in the 2018 Capital Budget and funded from the DC General Reserve Fund; and,

  3. That City Council APPROVE the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk to sign an agreement with Hemson Consulting Ltd. subject to approval as to legal form by the City Solicitor, and to technical and financial content by the City Treasurer; and,

  4. That City Council ESTABLISH a DC Task Force Committee composed of five members of City Council (voting members) as appointed by the Striking Committee of Council; and that key stakeholders from the development community and other interested parties BE INVITED to submit their applications to the Striking Committee for appointment to the DC Task Force (5 non-voting members) to participate in a consultative role on the committee.”