Notwithstanding this requirement, a grant or waiver of fees may be considered in those extraordinary cases where an applicant is undertaking a special project that falls outside the normal ongoing funding envelope of the applicant but would otherwise meet all of the guidelines of this policy.

5.4.4. City Budgetary Considerations

5.5. In cases where the waiver and/or grant request is materially consistent with previous years’ requests, (event, value requested and applicant), and has been pre-approved by City Council and/or has been added to the permanent listing (as per section 5.6) no Council report is required.

5.6. City Council will, from time to time, add events or projects to a permanent listing. Events and projects on the permanent list will be entitled to a grant and/or waiver of fees for the items identified on the list. Eligibility criteria for the permanent listing, which may be considered by Council, includes but is not limited to the following:

5.7. As Veteran events (e.g. Remembrance Day celebration) have been historically highly regarded by the community, Department Heads or designates are authorized to provide certain requested services, such as chairs and speaker equipment on city property, where such requests are deemed reasonable and for which sufficient resources are available within the respective departmental budgets and staffing complement to accommodate such requests. Where the requests are such that they cannot be accommodated within the respective departmental budgets and/or within existing staffing resources available, then Department Heads or designates may consider such request under the general guidelines of this policy.