• 1.1. There may be instances where it is appropriate for a gift to be given on behalf of the City of Windsor, and/or the City’s Agencies, Boards, Commissions or Committees (ABCs), both to individuals or groups. Any such gifts should be appropriate to the occasion and be of modest or nominal value.


    • 2.1. To provide guidelines for corporate gift giving by defining when a gift is appropriate and/or desirable.

    • 2.2. To provide guidelines to determine the suitability of the gift.

    • 2.3. To establish limitations on the value of a gift.

  3. SCOPE

    • 3.1. This policy applies to all City departments, Agencies, Boards, Commissions & Committees (ABCs) funded by the City of Windsor, in whole or part, or whose governing body contains City of Windsor representation AND whose financial transactions are accounted for within the City’s financial systems.

    • 3.2. Exclusion from this policy:

      • 3.2.1. Gift Fund – Employee voluntary contributions


    • 4.1. City Council is responsible to:

      • 4.1.1. Review and approve all proposed gifts with an individual value over $500, exclusive of taxes.

    • 4.2. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), whose authority in this may be delegated, is responsible to:

      • 4.2.1. Review and approve all proposed gifts with an individual value over $100 up to and including $500, exclusive of taxes.

    • 4.3. The ABC Board of Directors are responsible to:

      • 4.3.1. Review and approve all proposed gifts from ABCs with an individual value up to $100, exclusive of taxes.