Banwell Road Improvements Consulting Services, Request For Proposal (RFP) 110-19

RFP 110-19 closed August 30, 2019. Reviewing the submission and following Purchasing policies for RFPs, the successful proponent was RC Spencer Associates Inc. in the proposal amount of $199,000.00 plus tax.

The design for Banwell Rd Improvements Phase 1 (Tecumseh to Palmetto) and

Phase 2 (Palmetto to Mullberry) is complete.

Construction of Banwell Improvements Phase1, Request For Tender (RFT) 87-20

Phase 1 of Banwell Road Improvements RFT 87-20 closed Monday August 17, 2020, with the low bidder being SheaRock Construction Group Inc. in the tender amount of $2,244,700 plus tax.

Amico Infrastructures Inc. $2,546,040.00
D’Amore Construction (2000) Ltd. $2,623,280.00
J & J Lepera Infrastructures Inc. $2,597,700.00
JCS Construction Inc. $2,318,853.70
Rudak Excavating Inc. $2,528,000.00
SheaRock Construction Group Inc. $2,244,700.00
Sterling Ridge Infrastructure Inc. $2,688,415.00

Banwell Project Improvements Phase 1 is under construction and and expected to be substantially complete by mid December this year, with surface asphalt and sod/seed installation in spring of 2021.

Storm Water Management Study of Tecumseh Road E Corridor, RFP 72-20

RFP 72-20 closed Tuesday June 23, 2020. Reviewing the submission and following Purchasing policies for RFPs, the successful proponent was Stantec Consulting Ltd. at a total amount of $49,783.00 plus tax.

The successful proponent was confirmed in October 2020. Work on the storm sewer study will commence shortly and is expected to take 4 months.