Tracking Number Date Received fromPwC General Description ResponsibleMember ofManagement Management Action Close Date
NTS-001-JUL-2020 July 6, 2020 Dirty yard and standing water complaint. Valerie Critchley This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. July 6, 2020
NTS-002-JUL-2020 July 8, 2020 Complainant questions the actions of a local lotto retailer Valerie Critchley This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. July 8, 2020
NTS-003-JUL-2020 July 8, 2020 Request to have a car that has been parked at a vacant house for several days investigated. Shelby Askin-Hager This service request has been referred to the City's 311 system. July 8, 2020
NTS-005-JUL-2020 July 24, 2020 Caller requesting information on how to obtain long term care services for his mother Jelena Payne This request for information has been referred to the City's 311 system. July 24, 2020
NTS-006-JUL-2020 July 27, 2020 Individual issues complaint of poor customer service received from the City of Windsor Valerie Critchley This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. July 31, 2020
NTS-002-AUG-2020 August 11, 2020 Noise Complaint Valerie Critchley This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. August 12, 2020
NTS-003-AUG-2020 August 12, 2020 Complaint on a matter unrelated to the City of Windsor. Onorio Colucci No action required August 12, 2020
NTS-004-AUG-2020 August 21, 2020 Noise Complaint Valerie Critchley This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. August 21, 2020
NTS-005-AUG-2020 August 21, 2020 Complainant alleges that a traffic light is not operating as expected. Mark Winterton This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. August 21, 2020
NTS-006-AUG-2020 August 20, 2020 Anonymous complaint on a matter providing vague information. Onorio Colucci No further action available as callback information was not provided. August 21, 2020
NTS-007-AUG-2020 August 21, 2020 Caller requesting information related to repeated messages received from the City ofWindsor. Valerie Critchley This request for information has been referred to the City's 311 system. August 24, 2020
NTS-009-AUG-2020 August 26, 2020 Individual issues complaint of poor customer service received from a City Department Valerie Critchley This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. August 27, 2020
NTS-001-SEP-2020 September 2, 2020 Individual issues complaint related to the closure of Little River Golf Course for the 2020 season. Onorio Colucci This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. September 2, 2020
NTS-002-SEP-2020 September 15, 2020 Service request to have fallen tree branches from a City tree cleaned up. Jan Wilson This service request has been referred to the City's 311 system. September 15, 2020
NTS-003-SEP-2020 September 16, 2020 Complaint on a matter unrelated to the City of Windsor. Onorio Colucci No action required September 16, 2020
NTS-004-SEP-2020 September 16, 2020 Complainant alleges that illegal dumping i s occurring in a residential area. Valerie Critchley This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. September 16, 2020
NTS-005-SEP-2020 September 24, 2020 Individual calling to report a party that is in violation of the Provincial guidelines on private gathering limits. Valerie Critchley This report has been referred to theCity's 311 system. September 24, 2020
NTS-006-SEP-2020 & NTS-008-SEP-2020 September 25, 2020 Complaint related to a City owned outdoor workout facility. Jan Wilson/ Jelena Payne This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. September 28, 2020
NTS-007-SEP-2020 September 25, 2020 Dirty yard complaint Valerie Critchley This complaint has been referred to theCity's 311 system. September 25, 2020