Playground Audit 2013
The 2013 playground audit performed by the Safeplay Recreation Inc. included 132 park sites spread across the city. The study was organized into three divisions, east, west and central. A list of the playgrounds inspected is attached for reference under Appendix’ C’ Units that were not included in the audit had either been previously removed or were being installed and were inspected as part of the responsibilities of the playground installer.
The City of Windsor has used the CSA standard since it was first introduced in 1990 for the installation, inspection and maintenance of playgrounds in the park system. The Parks Department utilizes the current version of the CSA standards for all aspects of children’s play spaces. The audit was based on the most current version of the standard which is CAN/CSA-Z614-14 National Standard of Canada Children’s Playspaces and Equipment. The scope of the standard is outlined under the table of contents for CAN/CSA-Z614-14 included as Appendix D.
The information provided by the audit undertaken by Safeplay Recreation Inc. was used to evaluate each unit, identify hazards, and make recommendations to take the necessary actions to correct the deficiencies or remove the unit.
The audit reports are organized into the three park districts, east, central and west. Each report is approximately10 pages and contains a detailed written description of the playground including pictures, maps and an action plan. The report document consists of three large binders and is approximately 1300 pages. A sample of an audit report has been appended to the report for reference as Appendix ‘E’.
As outlined in the attached inspection report, the inspector uses one set of hazard class ratings. All hazards/ deficiencies are identified using the letters “A, B or C”. All CSA compliant items are noted as “0”. The hazard identification ratings are outlined below:
"A" Hazards which are life-threatening or permanently disabling (e.g. head and neck entrapment, drawstring entanglement, structural integrity, fall height, inadequate depth and dimensions of protective surfacing material, exposed steel, wood or concrete above the level of protective surface).
"B" Hazards which are serious and may cause non-disabling injury (e.g. crush or shear points, protrusions, sharp edges).
"C" Hazards that may cause slight injury, or equipment not in compliance with CSA Z614-2007, other than those under hazards A and B.
"0" An item or situation that has been assessed as safe and CSA-compliant at time of inspection or an item or situation that could develop into a hazard in the future (based on the inspector's assessment). Now noted and made aware of - monitor.
Audit Results
The audit reports from each park have been reviewed by the Parks Operations Playground Supervisor and inspectors and appropriate actions are being taken to remedy the noncompliant items identified for the play units and surfacing as prioritized by “A,”,”B”,”C” and “0” hazard levels.
Of the 132 play units inspected 108 had at least one hazard or condition that needed to be acted upon or monitored. The remaining play units are being monitored for compliance and additional units may require removal based on age, condition or ability to be repaired.