6.7.2 General Policies 

PERMITTED USES Uses permitted in the Open Space land use designation include recreation and leisure areas and facilities. 

ANCILLARY USES In addition to the uses permitted above. The council may also permit ancillary residential. commercial or institutional in areas designated Open Space without requiring an amendment to this Plan provided that: 

  1. the ancillary use is clearly incidental and secondary to. and complementary with, the main Open Space use: and

  2. the development satisfies the policies for the proposed land use. 




DEFINITION For the purpose of this Plan. Open Space land uses are divided into two categories: 

  1. Public Open Space is owned by the Municipality, the federal or provincial governments or the Essex Region Conservation Authority. and

  2. Private Open Space is owned by persons other than the Municipality, the federal or provincial governments or the Essex Region Conservation Authority. 

CONNECT TO GREEMVAY SYSTEM Council will encourage the development of connections between Open Space areas, other elements of the Greenway System (as described in the Environment chapter) and other points of interest. 

6.7.3 Public Open Space Policies 

CLASSIFICATION OF PUBLIC OPEN SPACE For the purpose of this Plan, Public Open Space is further classified as follows: 

  1. Community and Regional Parks which are designed for the recreation and leisure activities of all Windsor residents and/or a broader regional population: and

  2. Neighbourhood Parks which are designed for the recreation and leisure activities of residents within a defined service radius of Windsor.