The council shall encourage the reuse, development or redevelopment of institutional lands or buildings for other uses: 

  1. when the lands and/or buildings are considered by the appropriate authority to be surplus to the needs of the authority:

  2. provided the proposed reuse, development or redevelopment is compatible with the surrounding uses: and

  3. subject to the appropriate policies for the proposed land use designation and/or use. 

6.7 Open Space 

The hulas designated as -Open Space" on Schedule 1): Land Use provide the main locations for recreation and leisure activities and facilities. In order to recognize the important role that Open Space plays in improving the quality of life of residents and enhancing Windsor's image, Open Space land uses are divided into two categories: Public Open Space and Private Open Space. 

The following objectives and policies establish the framework to guide development decisions in Open Space areas. 

6.7.1 Objectives 

SATISFY NEEDS To satisfy the year-round recreation and leisure mists of Windsor residents. 

ENHANCE OPEN SPACES To protect and enhance Windsor's existing Open Space while planning for future recreation and leisure needs. 

DISTRIBUTION SITING & DESIGN To ensure the proper distribution. siting and design of Open Space. 

PUBLIC & PRIVATE INVOLVEMENT To encourage public and private involvement in the development and delivery of recreation and leisure facilities and services.

COMPLEMENT LINK AREAS  4 To ensure that new Open Space complements and, where possible, is linked to other components of the Greenway System.